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Install Openfire chat server communicator on Linux Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10

2:20 PM 52 Comments A+ a-

If you need LAN communicator or intern communicator on which you can connect from internet, on which you can edit groups, rooms, users ... everything you need to do with instant messaging protocol... you should try openfire.
Her is full tutorial how to install/setup openfire on ubuntu 12.04. or 12.10 Tutorial is needed because openfire non-opendsource  java runtime , and that java runtime you can't install without some tweaks.
It should work on Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 15.10...

For example I installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server in VirtualBox. I choose all default options, and I didn't install any server feature, you don't need it. We will install all by entering commands in command line / terminal. Only thing you need is java, which we will install later.

This is my fresh installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server

Now we will download script which will enable us to install java.
You can download script from HERE.
When you download it , extract it with syntax: tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz

You will get this:
Content of sript which will enable us to instal sun java.
Then enter command: sudo bash oab-java6.sh
And it will start working... it will tako some time...
Script is installing

When it is done you can install sun java: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

After installing is done you can check your java version: java -version

After this you can install openfire program.
First download openfire:  wget http://download.igniterealtime.org/openfire/openfire_3.7.1_all.deb

And after downloading install it: dpkg -i openfire_3.7.1_all.deb

After this step you can access openfire server by web page, enter(change IP to your server IP) in browser: http:\\

If you see this it means that openfire is sucesfully instaled.

 Openfire have intern database which you can use for data storage of openfire data but it can bee slow after some time, so you can install mysql and connect openfire to mysql, enter commands:
#mysql -u root -p
mysql > CREATE DATABASE openfire;
mysql > quit;

And select "Standard Database Connection" on Databse Settings page, I choose Embedded database beacuse I have already some data in it.

 And after some few steps you are ready to use openfire!

UPDATE: If you have problems with low memory in Openfire and if it stops frequently you should do those steps: http://linuxibos.blogspot.com/2013/02/openfire-chat-server-out-of-memory.html